Nathan Comes Home

Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 1

Hey Mom how it going? so this week has been long and stressful but I have learned a lot. So my companian is elder Rowley he is from mesa and he went to mt. view and yes he kinda like one of the mt view kids if you know what I mean but I do love him he is my comp. did I forget anything yes..... MY PINK TIES I see elders with them on all day and it makes me made cuz I would have taken them with me if I knew I could. I went to the temple this morning and it was great oh i love the temple, its different on how they do stuff but the church is still true in Provo ;) my days like i said are long and it starts of with waking up hehe and then going to breakfast after I get ready then study time or class depends on the day and then lunch then comp. study or class again depends on the day then some time in there we go to the gym and play ball or just run.. can't play soccer the field is closed because its so cold it snowed the other day and it keeps snowing..about work I know you and dad will find some read d&c section 31 it's a good section about that. an other good thing to read is 2nephi 31 its all about the doctrine and what a purpose of a missionary is. its wonderful. sorry the letter is so short I only get 30 mins so if you can help me and respond with dear elder so i can have more time to email next tuesday so i don't have to read every ones letter and then have 5 mins to respond.
love you A LOTS

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nathan's Mission Call.

Nathan got his mission call last Friday to serve in the Florida Jacksonville Misson. He reports on November 17th 2010. We are so excited for him and know that he will be a great missionary and a great example to those he will serve.